The bustling city life is relentless, keeping people rushing back and forth. A break from that pace is rare in Qatar, which is exactly what the founders of North Cafe wished to create – an oasis where people can step into a different world of calm and belonging, and have a coffee break. Because of the ubiquity behind both coffee culture and Japan-ified businesses, we wanted to make sure North would be more than just another minimalist Japanese brand, or just another coffee house.
To gain more than just a Japanese identity, we worked with NORTH’s 3 stakeholders to design a unique brand personality that would still be distinctively, culturally Japanese. The cafe would rely strongly upon personable interactions with the baristas, hence, emphasis was put on the values that would be embodied by North, and how the promise of these values would be maintained and delivered upon. Certain aspects of the business required planning around to control costs and also account for yet-to-be-fulfilled dependencies, which our Discovery process surfaced for us to address upfront before committing to any deliverable, saving time and resources.
North gained clarity into their identity, direction, and what resources they require to grow. The North brand represents more than generic Japanese culture. It stands for effort; to connect, to improve, to provide, and enrich. Certainly, this includes dedication to knowledge and wisdom through training and experience. But the cold craft is rounded out with warm brews through empathy, valuing connection and sharing that urbanites need help rediscovering.
Strategy & Positioning
Brand Identity Design
Interior Design
Communications Strategy